Multi Credit Savings and Loans Limited started as a Community Bank in Kumasi. It was incorporated as a private limited liability company under the Companies Code 1963 (Act 179) on 17th September, 1998 and licensed by the Bank of Ghana on 5th July, 1999 with the authority to carry out the business of non-banking financial institutions under the Financial Institutions (Non- Banking) Law 1993 (PNDCL 328). Having complied with the provisions of Sections 7 and 28 of the Companies Code, it commenced business on 9th August, 1999.
We are fully and duly licensed by the BoG. MultiCredit has legal authorisation from the Bank of Ghana (BoG) to carry on the business of savings and loans.
Vision Statement
It is the vision of Multi Credit Savings and Loans Limited to maintain a high public image as the leading savings and Loans Company in Ghana.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to develop demand-driven financial products and services and make them easily accessible to our target market.
Core Values
Customer Satisfaction
Customer Feedback
Here are remarks from some of our customers who couldn’t hide their satisfaction upon how timely and beneficial our products and services have been for them.
Feedback on Multi Child Product
Happy Customer
“This is a well tailored product designed for guardians like myself to save for their wards and at the same time allow me to earn attractive interests. It’s exciting for me”
Feedback on Susu loan
Happy Customer
“This is the second time I have secured this facility from multi credit. It has helped me to expand my business very much. Multi credit have been really instrumental in the growth of my business”
Our Audited Financial Statements
Financial Statements are regularly released and published in compliance with the requirements of the Bank of Ghana and Ghana Stock Exchange. The most recent financial reports are available below: